Gospel House Music to help ease the pain of Inflammatory Bowel Disease
To help raise awareness of Crohn's Disease and World IBD Day (19 May) I’m sharing my favourite House Music songs that help ease the pain

Singers to shout about on International Women's Day
To celebrate International Women's Day, here are 7 singers who I know from the House Music Scene and some of the reasons why I love them

Follow Your Dreams
Whatever you fill your mind with, is what you will become. This is why your your dreams and thoughts are so important, they are the life th

Raise Your Vibration
Your vibration is your personal energy frequency. It is your divine signature. Your vibration is a direct reflection of your inner thoughts

I’ve noted some adjustments that we can make to our lives right now to encourage happiness, as we make changes for the better, and focus on

5 reasons why smiling as often as you can will put more positivity into your life.

Premier Gospel Awards!
April saw the first ever Premier Gospel Awards take place at The Royal Connections, HUB Studios in East London. Tickets sold out quickly...

BBC TV Appearance - Victoria Derbyshire Show
A couple of years ago, I worked for the BBC as a UK Jury Member for the Eurovision Song Contest. Last Friday I was asked to appear on the...

Interview: Feel The Vibe... with Dawn Tallman
Dawn Tallman is an American R&B and Gospel singer and songwriter. She is known as "The Queen of Gospel Energy” and is the first choice...